Dictionary of opposites and antonyms
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- Opposite, contrary, reverse imply that two things differ from each other in such a way as to indicate a definite kind of relationship. Opposite suggests symmetrical antithesis in position, action, or character: opposite ends of a pole, sides of a road, views.
- An antonym word list (word bank), listing common opposites.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Opposite or Opposites may refer to: Opposite (semantics), a word that means the reverse of a word Opposite (leaf), an arrangement of leaves on a stem Opposite (mathematics), the negative of a number; numbers that, when added, yield zero. Opposite or Opposites may refer to:. Opposite (semantics), a word that means the reverse of a word Opposite (leaf), an arrangement of leaves on a stem Opposite (mathematics), the negative of a number; numbers that, when added, yield zero.
Opposite and antonym definition
An antonym is a word with the opposite meaning of another word. Antonyms are words which mean the opposite of other words.
Using opposites
Opposites and Synonyms are used to:
- Define a word. That's why they can be found in dictionary descriptions.
- Avoid repetition in a piece of writing
- Enrich your writing.
Examples of opposites
The word cautious can be considered to be the opposite of the world audacious. Confirm and deny are words with opposite meanings. Misandry can be seen as an antonym of misogyny. The opposite of the word liberty is captivity. Modest and conceited are words that are antonyms. Delayed and precocious are two of the opposites that can be found in this online dictionary of opposites.
Using Antonym Dictionary
The dictionary of opposites (antonym dictionary) enables users to find the most suitable terms for the particular context, rather than just those that first spring to mind. Antonym dictionary is an alternative to the dictionary of synonyms. Searching for the opposite of a word also makes it possible to find terms that are better suited to describe a characteristic, purpose, or function of the thing, person, or action in question. Finally, the dictionary of opposites helps writers to avoid repeating words within the same piece of text, thereby improving their writing style.